Benefits of Membership
Reduced lesson fee.
Singles and doubles leagues are available exclusively to members.
Book open court time when available without limit. Non-members are restricted to 3 times per year and also pay the non-member fee.
In-house charge account allows you to pay one convenient monthly statement.
Eligible to join club USTA Team Tennis teams.
Locker rentals are available only to club members. Rates: $30 large, $15 small. Locks included or use may your own.
Types/Annual Rates
Family: $396 plus tax. Covers immediate family members residing at the same residence or away at school.
Adult: $264 plus tax. For any individual beyond high school or college.
Junior: $132 plus tax. For any child through college.
PLEASE NOTE: Our membership year begins September 1st and ends August 31st. If joining after September, pro-rated memberships are available. Please see the front desk for more information or use our inquiry page.
For more information, please stop in, call, or contact us.